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The first FARI AI Datawalk & Demos

During the weKONEKT.week, FARI and organised the FARI AI Datawalk & Demos. Students got the opportunity to view the city in a new light and explore the newly opened AI Test & Experience Center. Its point is to make citizens aware of various ways data is collected around you, with or without your knowledge. VUB and ULB students had exclusive access to the new space.
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Inaugural Lecture: Intermedial meaning-making in climate change theatre

The inaugural Lecture of the CLIC Lorand Chair Intermediality takes place at Kaaistudio's on 25 September. The text of a drama is part of literature, a written form of artistic expression frequently accessed in print. Nassim W. Balestrini's research focuses on intermediality and adaptation theory, life writing across media, and new approaches to the historiography of theater and poetry.
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25 Sep 2023

The Unthinkable Experiment “Movement”

In July 2023, we kick off the third chapter of The Unthinkable Experiment: Chapter Movement. Join us in imagining the future. 24 young people take on the challenge of imagining the future together, across borders, away from preconceived ideas and cherished beliefs. Inspired by the work of artist Koen Vanmechelen and the environment of LABIOMISTA, they think out new perspectives and ideas.
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Kelly: theatre and debate

Who the f*ck is David Kelly and why should you care? In Kelly, the young theatre creator and actor Tim Natens steps into the shoes of the much-maligned British weapons inspector David Kelly. The performance is followed by a debate with Federica Mogherini and Delphine Pronk.
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17 Apr 2023

Fighting reflections

In aanloop naar de bouw van het vechtsportexpertisecentrum op de VUB campus te Etterbeek, trekken we samen met het alle eerstejaarsstudenten LOBW en het Vechtsportplatform naar Shockx Sports Centre, MMA gelegen te Molenbeek.
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31 Mar 2023