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En-GAJE journalistic exhibition

Students of ULB and VUB, with the collaboration of journalists in exile members of En-Gaje have explored during months the inequalities in the access to healthcare in Brussels. The Brussels City Campus in KBR has been the newsroom and meeting place to take editorial decisions. Students showcase their work at an exhibition on the topic of healthcare in Brussels, on 30 March 2023 at KBR.
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30 Mar 2023

Wijsgerige Agologie in Reset

In het vak Wijsgerige Agologie wordt ingegaan op de politieke rol van de agoog en agogische organisaties. Tijdens deze les op locatie zal er ingegaan worden op het belang van de politieke differentie en de implicaties hiervan voor ons denken van samenleving- en gemeenschapsvorming.
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28 Mar 2023

Eco tour in the Marolles with Mixua

Join VUB Green Team on a sustainable tour through the Marolles and discover shops, change makers and sustainable entrepreneurs that give you inspiration, tips and advice all around eco friendly living and sustainability. From food, clothings to urban gardening, the tour offers you a wide range of experiences.
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29 Mar 2023


A journalism workshop for 3-4 bilingual students per school, organised by Foundation Roi Badouin as a way to encourage future participants for the Belgodyssee contest, that fosters the contact between journalists speaking nederlands and français.
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29 Mar 2023