28 Mar 2023
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Muntpunt, Munt 6, 1000 Brussel

Guest lecture B2030: making Brussels the cultural capital of Europe

For European Social and population issues, coordinated by Prof. Sylvie Gadeyne, Jan Goossens will give a guest lecture at Muntpunt on the 28th of March. Jan Goossens is a Belgian artistic director, previously artistic director of Royal Flemish Theatre (KVS) and is currently one of the mission holders of Brussels 2030. This is Brussels’ preparatory trajectory to develop a candidacy for Brussels as the cultural capital of Europe in 2030. The VUB and ULB are partners in co-organizing the Brussels 2030 Summer Assembly (June 28-July 2, 2023), bringing together cultural actors, civil society and Brussels residents for a multidisciplinary, interactive weeklong program.

The approach of Brussels 2030 differs from previous Capitals of Culture initiatives as it aims to address this momentum in order to contribute to the cultural cohesion, inclusion and engagement of a broad range of Brussels’ population, cultural sector and civil society. In doing so, the possible negative aspects, such as gentrification, instrumentalization, housing, are given a place in the debate.