15 Jun 2022 - 27 Jun 2022

Mindblowers exhibition for the EUTOPIA Knowledge Bazaar

EUTOPIA, KVS and VUB welcome you to the Mindblowers exhibition, from 15 to 27 June, in the atrium of KVS BOL (-1). Expect an eclectic mix of art and research projects to discover.

The separation of art and science is an important feature of modern life – but it also constitutes a critical loss. With Mindblowers, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Flemish Royal Theatre aim to reconnect different disciplines, bridging sometimes disparate elements and bringing them back into proximity. The Mindblowers exhibition follows the five Mindblowers events and a book publication.

Art and science are both ways of understanding the world and orientating oneself in it. Like science, art opens windows on the world. And, like scientists or scientific insights, artists or works of art can sometimes make you see things that throw your world view off-balance, challenging it, widening it, perhaps even completely renewing or changing it.

The different artists and scientists of the exhibition depart from a place of courage, passion, expertise, amor mundi and curiosity, and aim at better understanding the complexity and beauty of our world – while also cherishing its mysteries.

The exhibition frames within the European University Network, EUTOPIA, and is made possible by VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Flemish Royal Theatre (KVS), weKONEKT.brussels, and the European Commission.