Mapping the USquare site with Urban Studies and Ixelles

Students in Urban studies were invited to present their ideas concerning the reconversion of the USquare site to a panel with representatives of the municipality of Ixelles. Receiving critical feedback from people who have experience as local administrators and have an understanding of the dynamics in and around the USquare neighbourhood greatly improves the research designs in preparation for a public showcasing.

Panel members

  • Els Gossé
  • Nevruz Unal
  • Christine Janssens
  • Mathieu Menten
  • Jens Dupon

Following this exchange during the weKONEKT.week, plans have been set in motion to explore further opportunities for internships, thesis projects and more.

  • Students of Advanced Seminar in Urban Studies present their ideas for the USquare neighbourhood for a panel of the municipality of Ixelles/Elsene.
  • Students of Advanced Seminar in Urban Studies present their ideas for the USquare neighbourhood for a panel of the municipality of Ixelles/Elsene.
  • Students of Advanced Seminar in Urban Studies present their ideas for the USquare neighbourhood for a panel of the municipality of Ixelles/Elsene.
  • Students of Advanced Seminar in Urban Studies present their ideas for the USquare neighbourhood for a panel of the municipality of Ixelles/Elsene.
  • Students of Advanced Seminar in Urban Studies present their ideas for the USquare neighbourhood for a panel of the municipality of Ixelles/Elsene.

U square – your square?

Join us for an interactive exhibition on the future of the Usquare site with discussions, snacks, drinks and entertainment.

  • Date: 4 may 2023
  • Time: 17:00 – 21:00
  • Location: Avenue de la Couronne 221

KULT XL Ateliers

Located in the Leopold quarter near the European Parliament, KULT XL Ateliers is a new complex dedicated to contemporary visual arts in Ixelles, composed of an exhibition hall and seven artists’ studios. Exhibitions of artists in residence or other local artists will be organised there, as well as activities for all audiences around visual arts.

The atelier – the studio – is the place where artists can dream, create, express themselves, experiment, meet others, share: a studio is the key to letting artistic expression run free. After almost two years, the first artists who brought KULT XL Ateliers to life are ready to show you the result of their residency in Ixelles. Join us at the exhibition hall of KULT XL Ateliers from 19 April to 7 May 2023 to (re)discover the exceptional talent of our residents.

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