30 March 2023: An evening with Laura Fish
Dr Elizabeth Jane Fish is a writer of Caribbean parentage. She is currently Assistant Professor of Creative Writing (Northumbria University) and has written 3 novels: Flight of the Black Swans (1995), Strange Music (2008) and Lying Perfectly Still. She has over 10 years’ experience with the BBC in broadcast television and radio and has been invited to read from and talk about her work internationally. To start the evening off, Laura will be reading from her latest novel, Lying Perfectly Still. Afterwards, Laura will talk about the themes that inspire her writing, such as narratives of cultural difference, the politics of marginalisation, the writers’ ethical responsibilities and retrieving and rewriting hidden stories and histories. At the end, there will be time for discussion and a Q&A.
More info about the author: https://clic.research.vub.be/writer-in-residence
Pépite Blues generously offered to host this event and will provide a short drinks reception afterwards. The bookshop dedicated to afro-literatures from all around the world and functions as a space for cultural exchange.
Practical details
Date: Thursday, 30 March 2023
Time: 18:30 – 20:30
Location: Pépite Blues, Rue Aoul 30, 1050 Elsene
Free of charge. Registration required.
31 March 2023: Writing back with Laura Fish
On Friday, 31 March, students and staff of VUB are invited to take part in a creative writing workshop that focusses on decolonisation. With Dr. Fish’s sound guidance, novice writers will explore the concept of ‘writing back’ to the colonial centre and the different literary forms it can take. Previous experience of creative writing is not required, but places are limited. Therefore, we ask you to register and write a brief statement of motivation.
Practical details
Date: Friday, 31 March 2023
Time: 14:00 – 17:00
Location: Pépite Blues, Rue Aoul 30, 1050 Elsene
Free of charge. Registration required.
Should you be unable to attend, please notify katrijn.van.den.bossche@vub.be to cancel your registration. No-shows inconvenience the organisation, other literary enthusiasts and most importantly, the author herself.
This event takes place within the weKONEKT.week at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. With this initiative, the university aims to strengthen its link with Brussels. By organising initiatives in and with Brussels we connect students and staff with the richness, complexity and beauty of Brussels. The programme ranges from guest lectures, film screenings, bar talks to theatre performances and more. Discover the full week programme.

Photo by Nigel Barklie